Sunday, November 16, 2008

Conversation with Kole the other day. "Mom when is heavenly father going to put a baby sis in your tummy?" Um, mommy isn't going to have any more babies Kole. "But sis needs a baby sis." Landon laughing in the front seat because I think he knows alittle more about how babies are formed!! It is soo cute that me having twins has not ruined them. They love that Hadley and Haiden love them. Brian went to Moab this weeked on a gaycation with about 8 of his male friends. Its times like these when I know I stood in the wrong line in heaven. I somehow always have to figure ways out to be a mom, work, do laundry, clean, run kids and cook, while still looking glamourous of course. WRONG LINE!!! Atleast I get to wear cute shoes right? Landon had his 2nd basketball game yesterday they one by 1 basket close game. Landon slept at his friends the night before so he seemed a little sluggish. He finally pulled it together scoring 9 baskets and rebounds. He was sad that his dad wasn't there to watch him but I was really proud of him.


Tori Jo said...

Early blogger, aren't we? Just kidding...Landon is an all-star bball player!! Too bad Heavenly Father couldn't just put another sis in your belly, then Pam would have a friend! ha ha!! Hope Bri had fun on the Gaycation...we need another girlcation soon!! Either than or I just need more Milli Vanilli in my life!

P.S. That picture is cute of your little family...I love them lots, especially sis!

Jen said...

Glad you survived the weekend. We need to get together for a support group or something when they're gone like that!

Erica said...

I love your new header for your blog. So cute. We still need to have an out, so maybe this weekend we can do the bowling thing and me, you and em can just visit. Sound good?
btw My blog is ropers-the

Trachel said...

Tam you guys are such a cute family!!! Thanks for making me pretty again i felt so BLAH before you did my hair.I love the way haiden and hadley say rachel:)