Sunday, June 7, 2009

4 months later

Okay so alot has happened in 4 months. Husband emergency appendectomy, not fun:( Alot of sports for Landon competetive basketball and now superleauge baseball. I love watching the sports. He is such a good little athlete and he has great little team mates. Along with great parents and friends we have made. Kole just loved kindergarten and was so excited the last day of school when he came home and said " mom I get to go 1st grade". He had such a big smile. He is also playing t-ball pretty painful to watch. But I have a feeling he is going to be a power hitter just like his big brother. The twins turned 3!! Fun and sad all at the same time. They had fun getting new bikes and some cute birthday cakes made from their aunt Tori. They also are now pottytrained, miracles never fail to amaze me. No more diapers AmAzIng!!! I feel so lucky to have such a fun family. We had some family pictures taken which I do not know how to post so you can log onto to view. That was an experience trying to get everyone to behave. And now Summer is here so we are ready to make new memories!!


mihill said...

Hi Tami,
The pics are adorable!!!!! I can't believe how grown up the twins are already. It will be fun to see you guys the end of July. I'm sending you an email, so look for it.

Leslie said...

Your pictures are stinkin cute. Love the one of Haiden and his lip. Oh so cute! Thanks again for all your help trying to make me look pretty for my engagement pictures by doing my hair. You're the best!